
perl-CSS-Minifier-XS - XS based CSS minifier

Website: http://search.cpan.org/dist/CSS-Minifier-XS
License: GPL+ or Artistic
Vendor: Fedora Project
'CSS::Minifier::XS' is a CSS "minifier"; it's designed to remove un-
necessary whitespace and comments from CSS files, while also *not*
breaking the CSS. 'CSS::Minifier::XS' is similar in function to
'CSS::Minifier', but is substantially faster as it's written in XS and
not just pure Perl.


perl-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.03-1.fc11.i586 [18 KiB] Changelog by Chris Weyl (2009-04-10):
- initial RPM packaging
- generated with cpan2dist (CPANPLUS::Dist::RPM version 0.0.8)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.3-1.fc11