Spanish Support
- aspell-es - Spanish dictionaries for Aspell
- autocorr-es - Spanish autocorrection rules
- childsplay-alphabet_sounds_es - Spanish alphabet sounds for Childsplay
- eclipse-nls-es - Eclipse/Babel language pack for Spanish
- gcompris-sound-es - GCompris voices in Spanish
- hunspell-es - Spanish hunspell dictionaries
- hyphen-es - Spanish hyphenation rules
- kde-i18n-Spanish - Spanish(es) language support for KDE3
- kde-l10n-Spanish - Spanish language support for KDE
- koffice-langpack-es - Spanish language pack for koffice
- man-pages-es - Spanish man pages from the Linux Documentation Project
- man-pages-es-extra - Extra manual pages - Spanish versions
- moodle-es - Moodle language pack for Spanish
- mythes-es - Spanish thesaurus
- nqc-doc-es - Spanish Documentation for NQC
- - Spanish language pack for
- tesseract-langpack-es - Spanish langpack for {upstreamname}
- tkgate-es - Locales and examples for tkgate, Digital Circuit Simulator