Letter C

calligra-kexi - An integrated environment for managing data

Website: http://www.calligra-suite.org/
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Kexi is an integrated data management application.  It can be used for
creating database schemas, inserting data, performing queries, and
processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to
your data. All database objects – tables, queries and forms – are
stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design.

For additional database drivers take a look at calligra-kexi-driver-*


calligra-kexi-2.7.4-1.fc20.i686 [2.7 MiB] Changelog by Rex Dieter (2013-10-12):
- calligra-2.7.4

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20