Letter X

xfce4-mailwatch-plugin - Mail Watcher plugin for the Xfce panel

Website: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
Mailwatch is a plugin for the Xfce 4 panel. It is intended to replace the
current (4.0, 4.2) mail checker plugin in Xfce 4.4. It supports IMAP and POP,
local mailboxes in Mbox, Maildir and MH-Maildir format as well as Gmail.


xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.2.0-2.fc20.i686 [208 KiB] Changelog by Christoph Wickert (2013-10-25):
- Fix the icon in the panel's "Add new Item" dialog

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