Letter H

hdf-devel - HDF development files

Website: http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/hdf4.html
License: BSD
Vendor: Fedora Project
HDF development headers and libraries.


hdf-devel-4.2r3-2.fc9.x86_64 [495 KiB] Changelog by Patrice Dumas (2008-03-02):
- don't ship an empty netcdf.h file. The related definitions are now
  in hdf4_netcdf.h
hdf-devel-4.2r3-2.fc9.i386 [479 KiB] Changelog by Patrice Dumas (2008-03-02):
- don't ship an empty netcdf.h file. The related definitions are now
  in hdf4_netcdf.h

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.2-1.fc9