ekg - A client compatible with Gadu-Gadu


EKG ("Eksperymentalny Klient Gadu-Gadu") is an open source gadu-gadu
client for UNIX systems. Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program,
very popular in Poland.

EKG features include:
  - irssi-like ncurses interface
  - sending and receiving files
  - voice conversations
  - launching shell commands on certain events
  - reading input from pipe
  - python scripting support
  - speech synthesis (using an external program)
  - encryption support

Please note that the program is not internationalized and all messages
are in Polish (although the commands are in English).

Homepage: http://ekg.chmurka.net/

License: GPLv2

Vendor: Fedora Project


ekg-1.7-2.fc8.ppc [294 KiB] Changelog by Dominik Mierzejewski (2007-08-28):
- rebuilt for ppc32
- update license tag