Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- LabPlot - Data Analysis and Visualization
- LabPlot-doc - Documentation for LabPlot, a Data Analysis and Visualization software
- LabPlot-doc-br - Documentation for LabPlot in Brasilian
- LabPlot-doc-de - Documentation for LabPlot in German
- LabPlot-doc-fr - Documentation for LabPlot in French
- LabPlot-doc-it - Documentation for LabPlot in Italian
- LabPlot-doc-nl - Documentation for LabPlot in Dutch
- LabPlot-doc-pl - Documentation for LabPlot in Polish
- LabPlot-doc-sv - Documentation for LabPlot in Swedish
- labyrinth - A simple yet powerful mind-mapping tool for the GNOME desktop
- lacewing - Asteroid like game with many different ships
- ladspa - LADSPA SDK, example plug-ins and tools
- ladspa-amb-plugins - Ambisonics LADSPA plugins
- ladspa-blop-plugins - Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins
- ladspa-caps-plugins - The C* Audio Plugin Suite
- ladspa-cmt-plugins - A collection of LADSPA plugins
- ladspa-devel - Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API
- ladspa-fil-plugins - LADSPA Filter plugins
- ladspa-mcp-plugins - A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
- ladspa-rev-plugins - A reverberation plugin for LADSPA
- ladspa-swh-plugins - A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
- ladspa-tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing plugin
- ladspa-vco-plugins - Anti-aliased pulse and sawtooth oscillators
- lagan - Local, global, and multiple alignment of DNA sequences
- lam - The LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) programming environment.
- lam-devel - Development files for LAM
- lam-libs - Libraries for LAM
- lapack - The LAPACK libraries for numerical linear algebra.
- lapack-devel - LAPACK development libraries
- lash - LASH Audio Session Handler
- lash-devel - Development files for LASH
- lasi - C++ library for creating Postscript documents
- lasi-devel - Development headers and libraries for lasi
- lat - LDAP Administration Tool
- lat-devel - Development files for building plugins for LDAP Administration Tool
- latex-mk - Makefile fragments and shell scripts for latex
- latex2html - Converts LaTeX documents to HTML
- latexmk - A make-like utility for LaTeX files
- lcdproc - LCDproc displays real-time system information on a 20x4 backlit LCD
- lcms - Color Management System
- lcms-devel - Development files for LittleCMS
- lcov - LTP GCOV extension code coverage tool
- ldapjdk - The Mozilla LDAP Java SDK
- ldapjdk-javadoc - Javadoc for ldapjdk
- ldapvi - An interactive LDAP client
- ldirectord - Monitor daemon for maintaining high availability resources
- ldns - Lowlevel DNS(SEC) library with API
- ldns-devel - Development package that includes the ldns header files
- leafnode - Leaf site offline NNTP server
- leafpad - GTK+ based simple text editor
- less - A text file browser similar to more, but better
- lesstif - OSF/Motif(R) library clone
- lesstif-clients - Command line utilities for LessTif
- lesstif-devel - Header files for LessTif/Motif development
- lesstif-mwm - Lesstif Motif window manager clone based on fvwm
- lftp - A sophisticated file transfer program
- lib3ds-devel - 3D Studio file format library
- lib3ds-tools - 3D Studio file format library
- lib765 - A library for emulating the uPD765a floppy controller
- lib765-devel - Development files for lib765
- libAfterImage - A generic image manipulation library
- libAfterImage-devel - Files needed for software development with libAfterImage
- libEMF - A library for generating Enhanced Metafiles
- libEMF-devel - libEMF header files
- libFS - X.Org X11 libFS runtime library
- libFS-devel - X.Org X11 libFS development package
- libFoundation - A free implementation of OpenStep's Foundation Kit
- libFoundation-devel - Development files for libFoundation
- libHX - General-purpose library
- libHX-devel - Development files for libHX
- libICE - X.Org X11 libICE runtime library
- libICE-devel - X.Org X11 libICE development package
- libIDL - Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
- libIDL-devel - Development libraries and header files for libIDL
- libRmath - standalone math library from the R project
- libRmath-devel - standalone math library from the R project
- libSM - X.Org X11 libSM runtime library
- libSM-devel - X.Org X11 libSM development package
- libX11 - X.Org X11 libX11 runtime library
- libX11-devel - X.Org X11 libX11 development package
- libXNVCtrl - Library providing the NV-CONTROL API
- libXNVCtrl-devel - Development files for libXNVCtrl
- libXScrnSaver - X.Org X11 libXss runtime library
- libXScrnSaver-devel - X.Org X11 libXScrnSaver development package
- libXTrap - X.Org X11 libXTrap runtime library
- libXTrap-devel - X.Org X11 libXTrap development package
- libXau - X.Org X11 libXau runtime library
- libXau-devel - X.Org X11 libXau development package
- libXaw - X.Org X11 libXaw runtime library
- libXaw-compat - X.Org X11 libXaw version 6 compatibility
- libXaw-devel - X.Org X11 libXaw development package
- libXcomposite - X.Org X11 libXcomposite runtime library
- libXcomposite-devel - X.Org X11 libXcomposite development package
- libXcursor - X.Org X11 libXcursor runtime library
- libXcursor-devel - X.Org X11 libXcursor development package
- libXdamage - X.Org X11 libXdamage runtime library
- libXdamage-devel - X.Org X11 libXdamage development package
- libXdmcp - X.Org X11 libXdmcp runtime library
- libXdmcp-devel - X.Org X11 libXdmcp development package
- libXevie - X.Org X11 libXevie runtime library
- libXevie-devel - X.Org X11 libXevie development package
- libXext - X.Org X11 libXext runtime library
- libXext-devel - X.Org X11 libXext development package
- libXfixes - X.Org X11 libXfixes runtime library
- libXfixes-devel - X.Org X11 libXfixes development package
- libXfont - X.Org X11 libXfont runtime library
- libXfont-devel - X.Org X11 libXfont development package
- libXfontcache - X.Org X11 libXfontcache runtime library
- libXfontcache-devel - X.Org X11 libXfontcache development package
- libXft - X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
- libXft-devel - X.Org X11 libXft development package
- libXi - X.Org X11 libXi runtime library
- libXi-devel - X.Org X11 libXi development package
- libXinerama - X.Org X11 libXinerama runtime library
- libXinerama-devel - X.Org X11 libXinerama development package
- libXmu - X.Org X11 libXmu/libXmuu runtime libraries
- libXmu-devel - X.Org X11 libXmu development package
- libXp - X.Org X11 libXp runtime library
- libXp-devel - X.Org X11 libXp development package
- libXpm - X.Org X11 libXpm runtime library
- libXpm-devel - X.Org X11 libXpm development package
- libXrandr - X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library
- libXrandr-devel - X.Org X11 libXrandr development package
- libXrender - X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library
- libXrender-devel - X.Org X11 libXrender development package
- libXres - X.Org X11 libXres runtime library
- libXres-devel - X.Org X11 libXres development package
- libXt - X.Org X11 libXt runtime library
- libXt-devel - X.Org X11 libXt development package
- libXtst - X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library
- libXtst-devel - X.Org X11 libXtst development package
- libXv - X.Org X11 libXv runtime library
- libXv-devel - X.Org X11 libXv development package
- libXvMC - X.Org X11 libXvMC runtime library
- libXvMC-devel - X.Org X11 libXvMC development package
- libXxf86dga - X.Org X11 libXxf86dga runtime library
- libXxf86dga-devel - X.Org X11 libXxf86dga development package
- libXxf86misc - X.Org X11 libXxf86misc runtime library
- libXxf86misc-devel - X.Org X11 libXxf86misc development package
- libXxf86vm - X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library
- libXxf86vm-devel - X.Org X11 libXxf86vm development package
- libacl - Dynamic library for access control list support
- libacl-devel - Access control list static libraries and headers.
- libaio - Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
- libaio-devel - Development files for Linux-native asynchronous I/O access
- libannodex - Library for annotating and indexing networked media
- libannodex-devel - Files needed for development using libannodex
- libao - Cross Platform Audio Output Library.
- libao-devel - Cross Platform Audio Output Library Development.
- libapreq2 - Apache HTTP request library
- libapreq2-devel - Development files for libapreq2
- libart_lgpl - Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
- libart_lgpl-devel - Libraries and headers for libart_lgpl
- libassa - C++ network-oriented application framework
- libassa-devel - Headers for developing programs with libassa library
- libassa-doc - HTML formatted API documentation for libassa library.
- libassuan-devel - GnuPG IPC library
- libast - Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
- libast-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for libast
- libatomic_ops-devel - Atomic memory update operations
- libattr - Dynamic library for extended attribute support
- libattr-devel - Extended attribute static libraries and headers
- libavc1394 - Audio/Video Control library for IEEE-1394 devices
- libavc1394-devel - Development libs for libavc1394
- libbdevid-python - Python bindings for libbdevid
- libbeagle - Beagle C interface
- libbeagle-devel - Beagle C interface
- libbeagle-python - Beagle python interface
- libbinio - A software library for binary I/O classes in C++
- libbinio-devel - Development files for libbinio
- libbonobo - Bonobo component system
- libbonobo-devel - Libraries and headers for libbonobo
- libbonoboui - Bonobo user interface components
- libbonoboui-devel - Libraries and headers for libbonoboui
- libbtctl - Library for the GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem
- libbtctl-devel - Development files for libbtctl
- libburn - Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
- libburn-devel - Development files for libburn
- libc-client2006 - UW C-client mail library
- libcaca - Library for Colour AsCii Art, text mode graphics
- libcaca-devel - Development files for libcaca, the library for Colour AsCii Art
- libcap - Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
- libcap-devel - Development files for libcap
- libcdaudio - Control operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs
- libcdaudio-devel - Development files for libcdaudio
- libcddb - Library (C API) for accessing CDDB servers
- libcddb-devel - Development files for libcddb
- libcdio - CD-ROM input and control library
- libcdio-devel - Header files and static libraries for libcdio
- libcgi - CGI easy as C
- libcgi-devel - Header files and libraries for LibCGI development
- libchewing - Intelligent phonetic input method library for Traditional Chinese
- libchewing-devel - Development files for libchewing
- libchmxx - C++ bindings for chmlib
- libchmxx-devel - Headers and development libraries for libchmxx
- libcmml - Library for handling Continuous Media Markup Language
- libcmml-devel - Files needed for development using libcmml
- libcompizconfig - Configuration backend for compiz
- libcompizconfig-devel - Development files for libcompizconfig
- libconfuse - A configuration file parser library
- libconfuse-devel - Development files for libconfuse
- libcroco - A CSS2 parsing library
- libcroco-devel - Libraries and include files for developing with libcroco.
- libctl - Guile-based support for flexible control files
- libctl-devel - Development files for libctl
- libdaemon - Library for writing UNIX daemons
- libdaemon-devel - Libraries and header files for libdaemon development
- libdap - The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP
- libdap-devel - Development and header files from libdap
- libdap-doc - Documentation of the libdap library
- libdar - Library providing support for the DAR API
- libdar-devel - Development files for libdar
- libdbi - Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
- libdbi-dbd-mysql - MySQL plugin for libdbi
- libdbi-dbd-pgsql - PostgreSQL plugin for libdbi
- libdbi-dbd-sqlite - SQLite plugin for libdbi
- libdbi-devel - Development files for libdbi (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)
- libdbi-drivers - Database-specific drivers for libdbi
- libdhcp - A library for network interface configuration with DHCP
- libdhcp-devel - C header files for development with libdhcp
- libdhcp-static - Static archive of libdhcp
- libdhcp4client - ISC DHCP IPv4 client in a library for invocation from other programs
- libdhcp4client-devel - Header files for development with the ISC DHCP IPv4 client library
- libdhcp4client-static - Static archive for libdhcp4client
- libdhcp6client - The DHCPv6 client in a library for invocation by other programs
- libdhcp6client-devel - Header files for development with the DHCPv6 client library
- libdhcp6client-static - Static archive for libdhcp6client
- libdmx - X.Org X11 libdmx runtime library
- libdmx-devel - X.Org X11 libdmx development package
- libdnet - Simple portable interface to lowlevel networking routines
- libdnet-devel - Header files for libdnet library
- libdnet-progs - Sample applications to use with libdnet
- libdockapp - DockApp Development Standard Library
- libdockapp-devel - Development files for libdockapp
- libdockapp-fonts - Fonts provided with libdockapp
- libdrm - Direct Rendering Manager runtime library
- libdrm-devel - Direct Rendering Manager development package
- libdsk - Library for accessing disk images
- libdsk-devel - Development files for libdsk
- libdsk-tools - Tools for use with libdsk
- libdv - Software decoder for DV format video
- libdv-devel - Development package for libdv
- libdv-tools - Basic tools to manipulate Digital Video streams
- libdvdread - Simple foundation for reading DVD video disks
- libdvdread-devel - Development files for libdvdread
- libeXosip2 - A library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol
- libeXosip2-devel - Development files for libeXosip2
- libebml - Extensible Binary Meta Language library
- libebml-devel - Development files for the Extensible Binary Meta Language library
- libedit - The NetBSD Editline library
- libedit-devel - Development files for libedit
- liberation-fonts - Fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Windows Fonts
- libesmtp - SMTP client library
- libesmtp-devel - Headers and development libraries for libESMTP
- libetpan - Portable, efficient middleware for different kinds of mail access
- libetpan-devel - Development package for libetpan
- libevent - Abstract asynchronous event notification library
- libevent-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for libevent
- libexif - Library for extracting extra information from image files
- libexif-devel - Files needed for libexif application development
- libextractor - Simple library for keyword extraction
- libextractor-devel - Development files for libextractor
- libextractor-plugins - Plugins for libextractor
- libextractor-plugins-base - Base plugins for libextractor
- libextractor-plugins-exiv2 - The 'exiv2' libextractor plugin
- libextractor-plugins-ogg - The 'ogg' libextractor plugin
- libextractor-plugins-ole2 - The 'ole2' libextractor plugin
- libextractor-plugins-pdf - The 'pdf' libextractor plugin
- libextractor-plugins-thumbnailgtk - The 'thumbnailgtk' libextractor plugin
- libextractor-plugins-thumbnailqt - The 'thumbnailqt' libextractor plugin
- libfac-devel - An extension to Singular-factory
- libflaim - Embeddable cross-platform database engine
- libflaim-devel - Embeddable cross-platform database engine
- libflashsupport - Optional Library Interfaces for Adobe Flash Player
- libfontenc - X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library
- libfontenc-devel - X.Org X11 libfontenc development package
- libfreebob - FreeBoB firewire audio driver library
- libfreebob-devel - Libraries, includes etc to develop with libfreebob
- libfwbuilder - Firewall Builder API
- libfwbuilder-devel - Firewall Builder API Libraries and Header Files
- libgadu - A Gadu-gadu protocol compatible communications library
- libgadu-devel - Libgadu development library
- libgail-gnome - Accessibility implementation for GTK+ and GNOME libraries
- libgail-gnome-devel - Files to compile applications that use the GNOME portions of GAIL
- libgalago - Galago presence library
- libgalago-devel - Development files for libgalago
- libgalago-gtk - GTK+ widgets for the Galago presence framework
- libgalago-gtk-devel - Development files for libgalago-gtk
- libgcc - GCC version 4.1 shared support library
- libgcj - Java runtime library for gcc
- libgcj-devel - Libraries for Java development using GCC
- libgcj-src - Java library sources from GCC4 preview
- libgconf-java - Java bindings for GConf
- libgconf-java-devel - Compressed Java source files for libgconf-java.
- libgcrypt - A general-purpose cryptography library.
- libgcrypt-devel - Development files for the libgcrypt package.
- libgda - Library for writing gnome database programs
- libgda-devel - Development libraries and header files for libgda
- libgda-freetds - FreeTDS provider for libgda
- libgda-freetds-devel - FreeTDS provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-ldap - LDAP provider for libgda
- libgda-ldap-devel - LDAP provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-mdb - MDB provider for libgda
- libgda-mdb-devel - MDB provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-mysql - MySQL provider for libgda
- libgda-mysql-devel - MySQL provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-odbc - ODBC provider for libgda
- libgda-odbc-devel - ODBC provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-postgres - PostgreSQL provider for libgda
- libgda-postgres-devel - PostgreSQL provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-sqlite - SQLite provider for libgda
- libgda-sqlite-devel - SQLite provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgda-xbase - XBASE provider for libgda
- libgda-xbase-devel - XBASE provider for libgda pkgconfig file
- libgdamm - C++ wrappers for libgda
- libgdamm-devel - Headers/Libraries for developing programs that use libgdamm
- libgdiplus - libgdiplus: An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API
- libgdiplus-devel - Development files for libgdiplus
- libgeda - Libraries for the gEDA project
- libgeda-devel - Development files for the libgeda library
- libgeotiff - GeoTIFF format library
- libgeotiff-devel - Development Libraries for the GeoTIFF file format library
- libgfortran - Fortran 95 runtime
- libgii - Input library for GGI
- libgii-devel - Development files for libgii
- libgii-utils - Utilities for libgii
- libglade - Gnome-1 support library for loading user interfaces
- libglade-devel - The files needed for libglade application development
- libglade-java - Java bindings for libglade
- libglade-java-devel - Compressed Java source files for libglade-java.
- libglade2 - The libglade library for loading user interfaces
- libglade2-devel - The files needed for libglade application development
- libglademm24 - C++ wrapper for libglade
- libglademm24-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libglademm.
- libgnat - GNU Ada 95 runtime shared libraries
- libgnome - GNOME base library
- libgnome-devel - Libraries and headers for libgnome
- libgnome-java - Java bindings for libgnome
- libgnome-java-devel - Compressed Java source files for libgnome-java.
- libgnomecanvas - GnomeCanvas widget
- libgnomecanvas-devel - Libraries and headers for libgnomecanvas
- libgnomecanvasmm26 - C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
- libgnomecanvasmm26-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libgnomecanvasmm.
- libgnomecups - GNOME library for CUPS integration
- libgnomecups-devel - GNOME library for CUPS integration
- libgnomedb - Library for writing gnome database programs
- libgnomedb-devel - Development libraries and header files for libgnomedb
- libgnomekbd - A keyboard configuration library
- libgnomekbd-devel - Development files for libgnomekbd
- libgnomemm26 - C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
- libgnomemm26-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use Gnome--.
- libgnomeprint22 - Printing library for GNOME
- libgnomeprint22-devel - Libraries and include files for developing GNOME printing applications
- libgnomeprintui22 - GUI support for libgnomeprint
- libgnomeprintui22-devel - Libraries and headers for libgnomeprintui
- libgnomeui - GNOME base GUI library
- libgnomeui-devel - Libraries and headers for libgnome
- libgnomeuimm26 - C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
- libgnomeuimm26-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use Gnome--
- libgomp - GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library
- libgpg-error - libgpg-error
- libgpg-error-devel - Development files for the libgpg-error package
- libgpod - Library to access the contents of an iPod
- libgpod-devel - Development files for the libgpod library
- libgsasl - GNU SASL library
- libgsasl-devel - Development files for libgsasl
- libgsf - GNOME Structured File library
- libgsf-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libgsf
- libgsf-gnome - GNOME integration bits for libgsf
- libgsf-gnome-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libgsf and GNOME
- libgsf-python - Python bindings for libgsf
- libgssapi - Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
- libgssapi-devel - Development files for the gssapi library
- libgssglue - Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
- libgssglue-devel - Development files for the gssclug library
- libgstroke - Optional libgstroke files
- libgstroke-devel - Development files for the libstroke library
- libgtk-java - Java bindings for GTK+
- libgtk-java-devel - Compressed Java source files for libgtk-java.
- libgtksourceviewmm - A C++ wrapper for the gtksourceview widget library
- libgtksourceviewmm-devel - Development files for libgtksourceviewmm
- libgtksourceviewmm-doc - Documentation for libgtksourceviewmm
- libgtop2 - libgtop library (version 2)
- libgtop2-devel - Libraries and include files for developing with libgtop
- libhangul - Hangul input library
- libhangul-devel - Development files for libhangul
- libhugetlbfs - A library which provides easy access to huge pages of memory
- libhugetlbfs-test - The test suite distributed with libhugetlbfs
- libibverbs - A library for direct userspace use of InfiniBand hardware
- libibverbs-devel - Development files for the libibverbs library
- libibverbs-devel-static - Static development files for the libibverbs library
- libibverbs-utils - Examples for the libibverbs library
- libicu - International Components for Unicode - libraries
- libicu-devel - Development files for International Components for Unicode
- libicu-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
- libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
- libid3tag-devel - Development files for libid3tag
- libidn - Internationalized Domain Name support library
- libidn-devel - Development files for the libidn library
- libiec61883 - Streaming library for IEEE1394
- libiec61883-devel - Development files for libiec61883
- libiec61883-utils - Utilities for use with libiec61883
- libieee1284 - A library for interfacing IEEE 1284-compatible devices
- libieee1284-devel - Files for developing applications that use libieee1284.
- libieee1284-python - Python extension module for libieee1284.
- libifp - A general-purpose library-driver for iRiver's iFP portable audio players
- libifp-devel - Headers and libraries for developing with libifp
- libipoddevice - Device-specific layer for the Apple iPod
- libipoddevice-devel - Libraries and headers for using libipoddevice
- libiptcdata - IPTC tag library
- libiptcdata-devel - Headers and libraries for libiptcdata application development
- libiptcdata-python - Python bindings for libiptcdata
- libisofs - Library to create ISO 9660 disk images
- libisofs-devel - Development files for libisofs
- libjingle - GoogleTalk implementation of Jingle
- libjingle-devel - Development files for libjingle
- libjpeg - A library for manipulating JPEG image format files
- libjpeg-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the libjpeg library
- libjpeg-static - Static JPEG image format file library
- libkdcraw - A library for decoding RAW picture files
- libkdcraw-devel - Development files for libkdcraw
- libkexif - Allow Kipi plugins to extract EXIF information
- libkexif-devel - Allow Kipi plugins to extract EXIF information
- libkexiv2 - A library to manipulate EXIF/IPTC information
- libkexiv2-devel - Header files, libraries for libkexiv2
- libkipi - Common plugin infrastructure for KDE image applications
- libkipi-devel - Common plugin infrastructure for KDE image applications
- libksba - X.509 library
- libksba-devel - Development headers and libraries for libksba
- liblo - Open Sound Control library
- liblo-devel - Libraries, includes, etc to develop liblo applications
- liblrdf - Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
- liblrdf-devel - Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
- libmal - A convenience library for malsync
- libmal-devel - Header and library files for libmal
- libmatchbox - Libraries for the Matchbox Desktop
- libmatchbox-devel - Static libraries and header files from libmatchbox
- libmatheval - Library for parsing and evaluating symbolic expressions input as text
- libmatheval-devel - Development files for libmatheval
- libmatroska - Open audio/video container format library
- libmatroska-devel - Matroska container format library development files
- libmcrypt - Encryption algorithms library
- libmcrypt-devel - Development libraries and headers for libmcrypt
- libmimedir-devel - Development libraries and header files for libmimedir
- libmimedir-static - Library to parse MIME Directory Profile
- libmng - Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics support
- libmng-devel - Development files for the Multiple-image Network Graphics library
- libmodelfile - Library for accessing various model file formats
- libmodelfile-devel - Development files for libmodelfile
- libmodplug - Modplug mod music file format library
- libmodplug-devel - Development files for the Modplug mod music file format library
- libmp4v2 - Library for working with files using the mp4 container format
- libmp4v2-devel - Development files for the mp4v2 library
- libmpcdec - Musepack audio decoding library
- libmpcdec-devel - Development files for the Musepack audio decoding library
- libmpd - Music Player Daemon Library
- libmpd-devel - Header files for developing programs with libmpd
- libmthca - Mellanox InfiniBand HCA Userspace Driver
- libmthca-devel-static - Development files for the libmthca driver
- libmtp - A software library for MTP media players
- libmtp-devel - Development files for libmtp
- libmtp-examples - Example programs for libmtp
- libmudflap - GCC mudflap shared support library
- libmudflap-devel - GCC mudflap support
- libmusicbrainz - Library for accessing MusicBrainz servers
- libmusicbrainz-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libmusicbrainz
- libnasl - Nessus Attack Scripting Language
- libnasl-devel - Nessus Attack Scripting Language header files
- libnasl-doc - Nessus Attack Scripting Language documentation
- libnc-dap - The NetCDF interface to DAP-2 from OPeNDAP
- libnc-dap-devel - Development files and header files from libnc-dap
- libnet-devel - Development files for libnet
- libnet10 - High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets
- libnetfilter_conntrack - Netfilter conntrack userspace library
- libnetfilter_conntrack-devel - Netfilter conntrack userspace library
- libnetfilter_log - Netfilter logging userspace library
- libnetfilter_log-devel - Netfilter logging userspace library
- libnetfilter_queue - Netfilter queue userspace library
- libnetfilter_queue-devel - Netfilter queue userspace library
- libnfnetlink - Netfilter netlink userspace library
- libnfnetlink-devel - Netfilter netlink userspace library
- libnjb - A software library for talking to the Creative Nomad Jukeboxes and Dell DJs
- libnjb-devel - Development files for libnjb
- libnjb-examples - Example programs for libnjb
- libnl - Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
- libnl-devel - Libraries and headers for using libnl
- libnotify - libnotify notification library
- libnotify-devel - Files for development using libnotify
- libntlm - NTLM authentication library
- libntlm-devel - Development files for libntlm
- libobjc - Objective-C runtime
- libofa - Open Fingerprint Architecture library
- libofa-devel - Summary: Development headers and libraries for libofa
- libofx - A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
- libofx-devel - Development files needed for accessing OFX data
- libogg - The Ogg bitstream file format library
- libogg-devel - Files needed for development using libogg
- liboggz - Simple programming interface for Ogg files and streams
- liboggz-devel - Files needed for development using liboggz
- liboil - Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions
- liboil-devel - Development files and static library for liboil
- libopenraw - Decode camera RAW files
- libopenraw-devel - Development files for libopenraw
- libopenraw-gnome - GUI components of libopenraw
- libopenraw-gnome-devel - Development files for libopenraw-gnome
- libopensync - A synchronization framework
- libopensync-devel - Development package for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-evolution2 - Evolution 2 plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-evolution2-devel - Development package for libopensync-plugin-evolution2
- libopensync-plugin-file - File plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-gpe - GPE plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-gpe-devel - Development package for libopensync-plugin-gpe
- libopensync-plugin-irmc - Irmc plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-kdepim - KDE plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-palm - Palm plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-palm-devel - Development package for libopensync-plugin-palm
- libopensync-plugin-python - Python plugin for libopensync
- libopensync-plugin-synce - Synce plugin for libopensync
- libopm - Blitzed open proxy monitor library
- libopm-devel - Headers and development libraries for libopm
- liborigin - Library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files
- liborigin-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for liborigin
- libosip2 - oSIP is an implementation of SIP
- libosip2-devel - Development libraries for oSIP
- libotr - Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit
- libotr-devel - Development library and include files for libotr
- libp11 - Library for using PKCS#11 modules
- libp11-devel - Files for developing with libp11
- libpanelappletmm - C++ interface for Gnome panel applets
- libpanelappletmm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libpanelappletmm
- libpano12 - Library for manipulating panoramic images
- libpano12-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the libpano12 library
- libpano12-tools - Tools that use the libpano12 library
- libpano13 - Library for manipulating panoramic images
- libpano13-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the libpano13 library
- libpano13-tools - Tools that use the libpano13 library
- libpaper - Library and tools for handling papersize
- libpaper-devel - Headers/Libraries for developing programs that use libpaper
- libpcap - A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
- libpcap-devel - Libraries and header files for the libpcap library
- libpciaccess - PCI access library
- libpciaccess-devel - PCI access library development package
- libpng - A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
- libpng-devel - Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files
- libpng-static - Static PNG image format file library
- libpng10 - Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
- libpng10-devel - Development tools for version 1.0 of libpng
- libpolyxmass - Polymer chemistry-related functionalities
- libpolyxmass-devel - Files needed for software development with libpolyxmass
- libpqxx - C++ client API for PostgreSQL
- libpqxx-devel - Development tools for libpqxx
- libprelude - The prelude library
- libprelude-devel - Header files and libraries for libprelude development
- libprelude-perl - Header files and libraries for libprelude development
- libprelude-python - Header files and libraries for libprelude development
- libpreludedb - Provide the framework for easy access to the Prelude database
- libpreludedb-devel - Libraries and headers for PreludeDB
- libpreludedb-mysql - Plugin to use prelude with a mysql database
- libpreludedb-perl - Perl bindings for libpreludedb
- libpreludedb-pgsql - Plugin to use prelude with a pgsql database
- libpreludedb-python - Python bindings for libpreludedb
- libpreludedb-sqlite - Plugin to use prelude with a sqlite database
- libpri - An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN
- libpri-devel - Development files for libpri
- libpurple - libpurple library for IM clients like Pidgin and Finch
- libpurple-devel - Development headers, documentation, and libraries for libpurple
- libpurple-perl - Perl scripting support for libpurple
- libpurple-tcl - Tcl scripting support for libpurple
- libqalculate - Multi-purpose calculator library
- libqalculate-devel - Development tools for the Qalculate calculator library
- librapi - Library to connect to Pocket PC devices
- librapi-devel - Development libraries and header files for librapi
- libraw1394 - Library providing low-level IEEE-1394 access
- libraw1394-devel - Development libs for libraw1394
- libreadline-java - Java wrapper for the EditLine library
- libreadline-java-javadoc - Javadoc for libreadline-java
- libresample-devel - Development files for libresample
- librfid - The librfid is a Free Software RFID library
- librfid-devel - Development files for librfid
- librra - Connection to Pocket PC devices, part of SynCE
- librra-devel - Development libraries and header files for SynCE
- librsvg2 - An SVG library based on cairo
- librsvg2-devel - Libraries and include files for developing with librsvg
- librsync - Rsync libraries
- librsync-devel - Headers and development libraries for librsync
- librtas - Libraries to provide access to RTAS calls and RTAS events
- librtas-devel - C header files for development with librtas
- librx - POSIX regexp functions
- librx-devel - POSIX regexp functions, developers library
- libsamplerate - Sample rate conversion library for audio data
- libsamplerate-devel - Development related files for libsamplerate
- libsane-hpaio - SANE driver for scanners in HP's multi-function devices
- libscigraphica - A library of gtk+ widgets for SciGraphica
- libscigraphica-devel - Development files for SciGraphica
- libselinux - SELinux library and simple utilities
- libselinux-devel - Header files and libraries used to build SELinux
- libselinux-python - python bindings for libselinux
- libsemanage - SELinux binary policy manipulation library
- libsemanage-devel - Header files and libraries used to build policy manipulation tools
- libsepol - SELinux binary policy manipulation library
- libsepol-devel - Header files and libraries used to build policy manipulation tools
- libsexy - Funky fresh graphical widgets for GTK+ 2
- libsexy-devel - Development files for libsexy
- libsexymm - C++ wrapper for libsexy
- libsexymm-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libsexymm
- libshout - icecast source streaming library
- libshout-devel - static libraries and header files for libshout development.
- libsidplay - Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator library
- libsidplay-devel - Header files for compiling apps that use libsidplay
- libsieve - A library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
- libsieve-devel - A library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
- libsigc++ - Typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigc++-devel - Development tools for the typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigc++20 - Typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigc++20-devel - Development tools for the typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigsegv - Library for handling page faults in user mode
- libsigsegv-devel - Development libraries and header files for libsigsegv
- libsilc - SILC Client Library
- libsilc-devel - Headers and shared libraries for libsilc
- libsmbclient - The SMB client library
- libsmbclient-devel - Developer tools for the SMB client library
- libsmi - A library to access SMI MIB information
- libsmi-devel - Development environment for libsmi library
- libsndfile - Library for reading and writing sound files
- libsndfile-devel - Development files for libsndfile
- libsoup - Soup, an HTTP library implementation
- libsoup-devel - Header files for the Soup library
- libspectrum - A library for reading spectrum emulator file formats
- libspectrum-devel - Development files for libspectrum
- libstatgrab - Make system statistics
- libstatgrab-devel - The development files from libstatgrab
- libstatgrab-examples - The example files from libstatgrab
- libstdc++ - GNU Standard C++ Library
- libstdc++-devel - Header files and libraries for C++ development
- libstroke - A stroke interface library
- libstroke-devel - Development files for the libstroke library
- libsvm - A Library for Support Vector Machines
- libsvm-devel - Header file, object file, and source files of libsvm in C and Java.
- libsvm-java - Java tools and interfaces for libsvm.
- libsvm-python - Python tools and interfaces for libsvm.
- libswt3-gtk2 - SWT Library for GTK+-2.0
- libsx - Simple X library
- libsx-devel - Headers and development libraries for libsx
- libsynaptics - Synaptics touchpad driver library
- libsynaptics-devel - Development files for libsynaptics
- libsynce - Connection library for Pocket PC devices
- libsynce-devel - Development libraries and header files for SynCE
- libsyncml - SyncML protocol library
- libsyncml-devel - Development files for libsyncml
- libsysfs - Shared library for interfacing with sysfs
- libsysfs-devel - Static library and headers for libsysfs
- libtar - Tar file manipulation API
- libtar-devel - Development files for libtar
- libtasn1 - This is the ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
- libtasn1-devel - Files for development of applications which will use libtasn1
- libtasn1-tools - Some ASN.1 tools
- libtcd - Tide Constituent Database Library
- libtcd-devel - Development files for libtcd
- libtelepathy - A GLib library to ease writing telepathy clients
- libtelepathy-devel - Development files for libtelepathy
- libtermcap - A basic system library for accessing the termcap database.
- libtermcap-devel - Development tools for programs which will access the termcap database.
- libtextcat - Text Categorization Library
- libtextcat-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libtextcat
- libthai - Thai language support routines
- libthai-devel - Thai language support routines
- libtheora - Theora Video Compression Codec
- libtheora-devel - Development tools for Theora applications
- libtidy - Shared libraries for tidy
- libtidy-devel - Development files for libtidy
- libtiff - Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
- libtiff-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library
- libtiff-static - Static TIFF image format file library
- libtimidity - MIDI to WAVE converter library
- libtimidity-devel - Development files for libtimidity
- libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library
- libtirpc-devel - Development files for the libtirpc library
- libtlen - Tlen.pl client library
- libtlen-devel - Header files for developing programs using libtlen
- libtomcrypt - a comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
- libtomcrypt-devel - Development files for libtomcrypt
- libtommath - a portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
- libtommath-devel - Development files for libtommath
- libtomoe-gtk - Gtk library for tomoe Japanese handwritten input
- libtomoe-gtk-devel - Gtk library for tomoe Japanese handwritten input
- libtool - The GNU Portable Library Tool
- libtool-ltdl - Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
- libtool-ltdl-devel - Tools needed for development using the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader
- libtorque - Run-time libs for programs which will use the torque library
- libtorque-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the torque library
- libtorrent - BitTorrent library with a focus on high performance & good code
- libtorrent-devel - Libtorrent development environment
- libtranslate - Natural language translation library
- libtranslate-devel - Natural language translation library, static libs and headers
- libtunepimp - A library for creating MusicBrainz enabled tagging applications
- libtunepimp-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use libtunepimp
- libtwin - Tiny Window System
- libtwin-devel - Development files for libtwin
- libuninameslist - Library that provides Unicode names and annotations
- libuninameslist-devel - Header files and static libraries for libuninameslist
- libunwind - An unwinding library
- libunwind-devel - Development package for libunwind
- libupnp - Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
- libupnp-devel - Include files needed for development with libupnp
- libusb - A library which allows userspace access to USB devices
- libusb-devel - Development files for libusb
- libusb-static - Static development files for libusb
- libuser - A user and group account administration library
- libuser-devel - Files needed for developing applications which use libuser
- libuser-python - Python bindings for the libuser library
- libutempter - A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates
- libutempter-devel - Development environment for utempter
- libvirt - Library providing a simple API virtualization
- libvirt-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the libvirt library
- libvirt-python - Python bindings for the libvirt library
- libvisual - Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins
- libvisual-devel - Development files for libvisual
- libvisual-plugins - Plugins for use with libvisual
- libvolume_id - Dynamic libraries to get volume ids
- libvolume_id-devel - Static libraries and headers for libvolume_id
- libvorbis - The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec.
- libvorbis-devel - Development tools for Vorbis applications.
- libvte-java - Wrapper library for GNOME VTE
- libvte-java-devel - Compressed Java source files for libvte-java.
- libwcs - Libwcs shared library
- libwcs-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. used to develop an application with libwcs
- libwmf - Windows Metafile Library
- libwmf-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libwmf
- libwnck - Window Navigator Construction Kit
- libwnck-devel - Libraries and headers for libwnck
- libwpd - Library for reading and converting WordPerfect(tm) documents
- libwpd-devel - Files for developing with libwpd
- libwpd-tools - Tools to transform WordPerfect Documents into other formats
- libwvstreams - WvStreams is a network programming library written in C++
- libwvstreams-devel - Development files for WvStreams
- libxcb - A C binding to the X11 protocol
- libxcb-devel - Development files for libxcb
- libxcb-doc - Documentation for libxcb
- libxfce4mcs - Multi-channel settings management support for Xfce
- libxfce4mcs-devel - Developpment tools for libxfce4mcs library
- libxfce4util - Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment
- libxfce4util-devel - Developpment tools for libxfce4util library
- libxfcegui4 - GTK widgets for Xfce
- libxfcegui4-devel - Developpment tools for libxfcegui4 library
- libxkbfile - X.Org X11 libxkbfile runtime library
- libxkbfile-devel - X.Org X11 libxkbfile development package
- libxklavier - library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension
- libxklavier-devel - Libraries, includes, etc to develop libxklavier applications
- libxml - Old libXML library for Gnome-1 application compatibility
- libxml++ - C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
- libxml++-devel - Development files for libxml++
- libxml-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to build old libxml-based applications
- libxml2 - Library providing XML and HTML support
- libxml2-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
- libxml2-python - Python bindings for the libxml2 library
- libxslt - Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- libxslt-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to embed the Gnome XSLT engine
- libxslt-python - Python bindings for the libxslt library
- libyaz - Z39.50 libraries
- libyaz-devel - Development files for Z39.50 Library
- libzzub - Powerful music sequencing library
- libzzub-devel - Development files for libzzub
- licq - Licq - A graphical ICQ Client for Linux
- licq-auto-reply - Auto-reply plugin for Licq.
- licq-icqnd - gtk2 gui for Licq.
- licq-kde - Licq plugin for KDE
- licq-msn - MSN protocol plugin for Licq
- licq-osd - OSD (On Screen Display) plugin for Licq
- liferea - An RSS/RDF feed reader
- lightning - Library for generating assembly code on run time
- lighttpd - Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements
- lighttpd-fastcgi - FastCGI module and spawning helper for lighttpd and PHP configuration
- lighttpd-mod_mysql_vhost - Virtual host module for lighttpd that uses a MySQL database
- lilypond - A typesetting system for music notation
- lilypond-doc - HTML documentation for LilyPond
- limph - A PHP5-compatible network host/service poller with web interface
- limph-common - Common config file for Limph and Limph-hostagent
- limph-hostagent - A host agent for Limph, the network monitor
- lincity-ng - City Simulation Game
- lincity-ng-data - Data files needed to run lincity-ng
- lineak-defaultplugin - This is the default plugin for the lineakd keyboard daemon
- lineak-kdeplugins - KDE-specific plugins for the lineakd keyboard daemon
- lineak-xosdplugin - Plugin for the lineakd keyboard daemon to enable XOSD support
- lineakd - Linux support for Easy Access and Multimedia keyboards
- lineakd-devel - Development files for lineakd
- link-grammar - A Grammar Checking library
- link-grammar-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with liblink-grammar
- linkage - Lightweight bittorent client
- linkage-devel - Linkage development libraries
- linkchecker - Check HTML documents for broken links
- linphone - Phone anywhere in the whole world by using the Internet
- linphone-devel - Development libraries for linphone
- linux-atm - Tools to support ATM networking under Linux
- linux-atm-libs - Linux ATM API library
- linux-atm-libs-devel - Development files for Linux ATM API library
- linux-libertine-fonts - Linux Libertine Open Fonts
- linux_logo - The linux logo - a colorful console penguin logo
- linuxdcpp - Direct Connect client
- linuxdoc-tools - A text formatting package based on SGML.
- linuxwacom - Wacom Drivers from Linux Wacom Project
- linuxwacom-devel - linuxwacom developmental libraries and header files
- liquidwar - Multiplayer wargame with liquid armies
- liquidwar-doc - Documentation for the LiquidWar game in additional formats
- liquidwar-server - Network game server for the LiquidWar game
- lirc - The Linux Infrared Remote Control package
- lirc-devel - Development files for LIRC
- lirc-doc - LIRC documentation
- listen - A music manager and player for GNOME
- livecd-tools - Tools for building live CD's
- lklug-fonts - Fonts for Sinhala language
- lksctp-tools - User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTP
- lksctp-tools-devel - Development files for lksctp-tools
- lksctp-tools-doc - Documents pertaining to SCTP
- lm_sensors - Hardware monitoring tools
- lm_sensors-devel - Development files for programs which will use lm_sensors
- lm_sensors-eepromer - Programs for reading / writing i2c / smbus eeproms
- lm_sensors-sensord - Daemon that periodically logs sensor readings
- lmarbles - Atomix clone where you create figures out of marbles
- lock-keys-applet - A GNOME panel applet that shows the status of the lock keys
- lockdev - A library for locking devices
- lockdev-devel - The header files and a static library for the lockdev library.
- log4j - Java logging package
- log4j-javadoc - Javadoc for log4j
- log4j-manual - Manual for log4j
- logjam - GTK2 client for LiveJournal
- logjam-xmms - LogJam helper binary
- logrotate - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
- logserial - Package for logging incoming bytes on asynchronous serial ports
- logwatch - A log file analysis program
- lohit-fonts-bengali - Free Bengali font
- lohit-fonts-gujarati - Free Gujarati font
- lohit-fonts-hindi - Free Hindi font
- lohit-fonts-kannada - Free Kannada font
- lohit-fonts-malayalam - Free Malayalam font
- lohit-fonts-oriya - Free Oriya font
- lohit-fonts-punjabi - Free Punjabi font
- lohit-fonts-tamil - Free Tamil font
- lohit-fonts-telugu - Free Telugu font
- loki-lib - Loki C++ Library of design patterns and idioms
- loki-lib-devel - The Loki C++ headers and development libraries
- loki-lib-doc - The Loki C++ html docs
- londonlaw - Online multiplayer version of a well known detective boardgame
- lostirc - Simple IRC client for X11
- loudmouth - Loudmouth is a Jabber programming library written in C
- loudmouth-devel - Development files for loudmouth
- lout - A document formatting system
- lrzsz - The lrz and lsz modem communications programs.
- lsdvd - Small application for listing the contents of DVDs
- lshw - Hardware lister
- lshw-gui - Graphical hardware lister
- lslk - A lock file lister
- lsof - A utility which lists open files on a Linux/UNIX system
- lsscsi - List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
- ltrace - Tracks runtime library calls from dynamically linked executables
- ltsp-utils - Linux Terminal Server Project (ltsp.org) utilities
- lua - Powerful light-weight programming language
- lua-devel - Development files for lua
- lucene - High-performance, full-featured text search engine
- lucene-contrib - Lucene contributed extensions
- lucene-demo - Lucene demonstration library
- lucene-javadoc - Javadoc for Lucene
- lucidlife - A Conway's Life simulator
- luma - A graphical tool for managing LDAP servers
- lush - An object-oriented Lisp interpreter and compiler
- lv - A Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
- lvm2 - Userland logical volume management tools
- lvm2-cluster - Cluster extensions for userland logical volume management tools
- lx - Converts PBM data to Lexmark 1000 printer language
- lxpanel - A lightweight X11 desktop panel
- lybniz - A function graph plotter
- lynx - A text-based Web browser
- lyx - WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor
- lzma - LZMA utils
- lzma-devel - Devel libraries & headers for liblzmadec
- lzma-libs - Libraries for decoding LZMA compression
- lzo - Data compression library with very fast (de)compression
- lzo-devel - Development files for the lzo library
- lzop - Real-time file compressor