pam_keyring - A PAM module that execute gnome-keyring-daemon and unlock the default keyring


The pam_keyring module allows GNOME users to automatically unlock
their default keyring using their system password when they log in.
This allows the data in the default keyring to be used more
transparently. Ideally, users should only every have to enter one
password (or physical token, etc.): the password they use to
authenticate themselves to the system when they log in.


License: GPLv2+

Vendor: Fedora Project


pam_keyring-0.0.9-1.fc8.ppc64 [29 KiB] Changelog by Denis Leroy (2007-08-22):
- Update to upstream 0.0.9
- Updated License tag
pam_keyring-0.0.9-1.fc8.ppc [31 KiB] Changelog by Denis Leroy (2007-08-22):
- Update to upstream 0.0.9
- Updated License tag