supertux - Jump'n run like game similar to Mario Bros


SuperTux is a jump'n run like game, with strong inspiration from the
Super Mario Bros games for Nintendo.

Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping
on them or bumping them from below.  Grabbing power-ups and other stuff
on the way.


License: GPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


supertux-0.3.0-1.fc7.ppc [36.2 MiB] Changelog by Steven Pritchard (2007-02-13):
- Update to 0.3.0.
- Update URL.
- Drop compile fix patch.
- BR: physfs-devel, openal-devel, libvorbis-devel.
- BR: gettext, flex, bison, jam.
- Build uses jam instead of make now.
- Update doc list.
- Minor spec cleanup.