Letter E
Packages beginning with letter "E".
- ElectricFence - A debugger which detects memory allocation violations
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing the second and third extended (ext2/ext3) filesystems
- e2fsprogs-devel - Ext2/3 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
- e2fsprogs-libs - Ext2/3 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
- easytag - Tag editor for mp3, ogg, flac and other music files
- eb - Library for accessing Japanese CD-ROM electronic books
- eb-devel - Development files for eb
- eblook - Command-line EB and EPWING dictionary search program
- ebtables - Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool
- echo-icon-theme - Echo icon theme
- echoping - TCP "echo" performance test
- ecl - Embeddable Common-Lisp
- eclipse-checkstyle - Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse
- eclipse-cvs-client - Eclipse CVS Client
- eclipse-demos - Eclipse demonstration screencasts
- eclipse-ecj - Eclipse Compiler for Java
- eclipse-egit - Eclipse Git plug-in
- eclipse-emf - Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
- eclipse-emf-examples - Eclipse EMF examples
- eclipse-emf-sdk - Eclipse EMF SDK
- eclipse-emf-sdo - Eclipse EMF SDO
- eclipse-emf-sdo-sdk - Eclipse EMF SDO Source (SDK)
- eclipse-emf-standalone - Eclipse EMF Standalone
- eclipse-emf-xsd - Eclipse EMF XSD
- eclipse-emf-xsd-sdk - Eclipse EMF XSD Source (SDK)
- eclipse-jdt - Eclipse Java Development Tools
- eclipse-pde - Eclipse Plugin Development Environment
- eclipse-pde-runtime - Eclipse Plugin Development Environment runtime plugin.
- eclipse-platform - Eclipse platform common files
- eclipse-pydev - Eclipse Python development plug-in
- eclipse-quickrex - QuickREx is a regular-expression test Eclipse Plug-In
- eclipse-rcp - Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- ecryptfs-utils - The eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries
- ecryptfs-utils-devel - The eCryptfs userspace development package
- ed - The GNU line editor
- ed2k_hash - Edonkey 2000 file hash calculator
- ed2k_hash-gui - Edonkey 2000 file hash calculator with FLTK GUI
- eds-feed - Evolution Data Server feed for Galago
- eel2 - Eazel Extensions Library
- eel2-devel - Libraries and include files for developing with Eel
- efax - A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
- efont-unicode-bdf - Unicode font by Electronic Font Open Laboratory
- eggdrop - The world's most popular Open Source IRC bot
- egoboo - A top down graphical (3D) RPG in the spirit of Nethack
- egoboo-data - Data files for the Egoboo RPG
- eiciel - Graphical access control list (ACL) editor
- eject - A program that ejects removable media using software control.
- ekg - A client compatible with Gadu-Gadu
- ekg2 - Multi-protocol instant messaging and chat client
- ekg2-core - Multi-protocol instant messaging and chat client
- ekg2-devel - Development headers for ekg2
- ekg2-gadu-gadu - Gadu-gadu protocol plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-gpg - GPG plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-gtk2 - GTK2 UI plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-ioctld - Keyboard LED control plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-jabber - Jabber protocol plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-logsqlite - SQLite log plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-python - Python scripting plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-voip - GSM VoIP protocol plugin for ekg2
- ekg2-xosd - XOSD plugin for ekg2
- ekiga - A Gnome based SIP/H323 teleconferencing application
- elektra - A key/value pair database to store software configurations
- elektra-devel - Include files and API documentation to build elektrified programs
- elftoaout - A utility for converting ELF binaries to a.out binaries
- elfutils - A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle compiled objects
- elfutils-devel - Development libraries to handle compiled objects.
- elfutils-devel-static - Static archives to handle compiled objects.
- elfutils-libelf - Library to read and write ELF files.
- elfutils-libelf-devel - Development support for libelf
- elfutils-libelf-devel-static - Static archive of libelf
- elfutils-libs - Libraries to handle compiled objects.
- elinks - A text-mode Web browser
- elisa - Media Center
- elph - Tool to find motifs in a set of DNA or protein sequences
- elsa - ELSA is an enhanced Linux system accounting
- em8300 - DXR3/Hollywood Plus MPEG decoder card support tools
- em8300-devel - Development files for DXR3/Hollywood Plus MPEG decoder cards
- em8300-utils - GUI utilities for DXR3/Hollywood plus MPEG decoder cards
- emacs - GNU Emacs text editor
- emacs-auctex - Enhanced TeX modes for Emacs
- emacs-auctex-doc - Documentation in various formats for AUCTeX
- emacs-auctex-el - Elisp source files for emacs-auctex
- emacs-bbdb - A contact management utility for use with Emacs
- emacs-bbdb-el - Lisp source files for bbdb for Emacs
- emacs-common - Emacs common files
- emacs-common-muse - Emacs Muse is an authoring and publishing environment for Emacs
- emacs-el - Emacs Lisp source files included with Emacs.
- emacs-git - Git version control system support for Emacs
- emacs-gtypist - GNU typing tutor
- emacs-muse - Compiled Muse lisp files for Emacs
- emacs-muse-el - Muse lisp source files for Emacs
- emacs-nox - GNU Emacs text editor without X support
- emacs-nxml-mode - Emacs package for editing XML
- emacs-vm - Emacs VM mailreader
- emacs-vm-el - Elisp source files for VM mailreader for emacs
- emacspeak - emacspeak -- The Complete Audio Desktop
- emelfm2 - A file manager that implements the popular two-pane design
- empathy - GNOME Instant Messaging Client
- empathy-devel - Development files for empathy
- empathy-libs - Shared libraries for empathy
- empathy-python - Python bindings for libempathy and libempathy-gtk
- enblend - Image Blending with Multiresolution Splines
- enca - Character set analyzer and detector
- enca-devel - Header files and libraries for enca charset analyzer
- enchant - An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
- enchant-devel - Support files necessary to compile applications with libenchant.
- enemies-of-carlotta - A simple mailing list manager
- enet - Thin, simple and robust network layer on top of UDP
- enet-devel - Development files for enet
- engine_pkcs11 - A PKCS#11 engine for use with OpenSSL
- enigma - Clone of the ATARI game Oxyd
- enscript - A plain ASCII to PostScript converter.
- environment-modules - Provides dynamic modification of a user's environment
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- eog-devel - Files needed for developing plugins for the EOG image viewer
- epic - An ircII chat client
- epiphany - GNOME web browser based on the Mozilla rendering engine
- epiphany-devel - The files needed for developing extensions for the epiphany web browser
- epiphany-extensions - Extensions for Epiphany, the GNOME web browser
- epydoc - Automatic API documentation generation tool for Python
- epylog - New logs analyzer and parser
- epylog-perl - Perl module for writing external Epylog modules
- eric - Python IDE
- eris - Client-side session layer for Atlas-C++
- eris-devel - Development files for Eris
- erlang - General-purpose programming language and runtime environment
- erlang-doc - Erlang documentation
- erlang-esdl - Erlang OpenGL/SDL api and utilities
- erlang-esdl-devel - Development files for ESDL
- eruby - An interpreter of embedded Ruby language
- eruby-devel - Development files for eRuby
- eruby-libs - Library for eRuby
- escape - A fun puzzle game in the tradition of Adventures of Lolo or Chip's Challenge
- esmtp - User configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)
- esound-devel - Development files for EsounD applications
- esound-libs - Library to talk to the EsounD daemon
- esound-tools - Commandline tools to talk to the EsounD daemon
- espeak - Software speech synthesizer (text-to-speech)
- espeak-devel - Development files for espeak
- eterm - Enlightened terminal emulator
- etherape - Graphical network monitor for Unix
- etherbat - Ethernet topology discovery
- ethtool - Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
- ettercap - Network traffic sniffer/analyser, NCURSES interface version
- ettercap-common - Common files for Ettercap, Network traffic sniffer/analyser
- ettercap-gtk - Network traffic sniffer/analyser, gtk interface version
- eventlog - Syslog-ng v2 support library
- eventlog-devel - Syslog-ng v2 support library development files
- evince - Document viewer
- evolution - GNOME's next-generation groupware suite
- evolution-brutus - Brutus based Exchange connector for Novell Evolution 2.4 and later
- evolution-brutus-devel - IDL and header files for evolution-brutus
- evolution-data-server - Backend data server for Evolution
- evolution-data-server-devel - Development files for building against evolution-data-server
- evolution-devel - Development files for building against evolution
- evolution-exchange - Evolution plugin to interact with MS Exchange Server
- evolution-help - Help files for Evolution
- evolution-remove-duplicates - Evolution plugin for removing duplicate mails
- evolution-webcal - A handler for webcal URIs
- exaile - A music player
- exempi - Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata
- exempi-devel - Headers for developing programs that will use exempi
- exim - The exim mail transfer agent
- exim-clamav - Clam Antivirus scanner dæmon configuration for use with Exim
- exim-doc - Documentation for the exim mail transfer agent
- exim-greylist - Example configuration for greylisting using Exim
- exim-mon - X11 monitor application for exim
- exiv2 - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- exiv2-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for exiv2
- exiv2-libs - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- exo - Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
- exo-devel - Development tools for exo library
- expat - An XML parser library
- expat-devel - Libraries and header files to develop applications using expat
- expect - A program-script interaction and testing utility
- expect-devel - A program-script interaction and testing utility
- expectk - A program-script interaction and testing utility
- ez-ipupdate - Client for Dynamic DNS Services